3D Visual Analysis System
Source: Erdas, Inc.
Offering GIS functions and capabilities in a 3D environment, the IMAGINE virtualGIS enables the user to perform real-time queries and interact from a 3D perspective
Erdas, Inc.S functions and capabilities in a 3D environment, the IMAGINE virtualGIS enables the user to perform real-time queries and interact from a 3D perspective. The system is designed to function in most types of raster or vector geospatial information. It is capable of intervisibility and threat analysis, integration of 3D objects, real-time fly throughs, 3D visual analysis, and it is said to have the ability to create "virtual worlds" of unprecedented size.
<%=company%>, 2801 Buford Hgwy., Suite 300, Atlanta, GA 30329; phone: 404-248-9000; fax: 404-248-9400
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