Activated Sludge Process
Source: Aero-Mod
Offering the benefits of sequencing aeration with continuous clarification, the SEQUOX activated sludge process is designed to provide high effluent quality with total nitrogen levels as low as 3 mg/L and phosphorus levels as low as 1 mg/L or less
Aero-Mode benefits of sequencing aeration with continuous clarification, the SEQUOX activated sludge process is designed to provide high effluent quality with total nitrogen levels as low as 3 mg/L and phosphorus levels as low as 1 mg/L or less. This process incorporates the ClarAtor clarifier, and can handle up to 4:1 sustained peak flows with no bypassing of untreated wastewater. It has treatment capabilities, an in-basin surge storage, a small footprint, and a selector tank to provide preconditioning of raw wastewater that inhibits filamentous growth.
<%=company%>, 7927 U.S. Highway 24,
Manhattan, KS 66502; phone: 785-537-4995; fax: 785-537-0813
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