
Solution for Wastewater Sludge, Grease & Odor

Source: Environmental Control Systems & Products
Bio Energizer is a formulation of organic acids, buffers, natural biological systems, nutrients and energy systems. It is designed to balance the natural...
Bio Energizer is a formulation of organic acids, buffers, natural biological systems, nutrients and energy systems. It is designed to balance the natural microbial ecosystem to increase bio-oxidation of wastewater, which reduces solid levels and odor. By increasing bio-oxidation of wastewater and creating a "wet-burn", it reduces odor levels in wastewater treatment plants and lagoons. The product reduces aeration costs by increasing the aeration level in industrial wastewater treatment facilities. It is non-toxic and is safe to apply near and around animals. It is also effective in septic tank treatment by breaking down fats and greases in septic tanks and leach lines.

In wastewater treatment lagoons, the product balances the microbiology in the wastewater to enhance the bio-oxidation of the sludge. It reduces sludge buildup by converting solids to carbon dioxide through bio-oxidation and will increase dissolved oxygen levels. In animal wastewater treatment, the product reduces manure sludge buildup and reduces the odor in the manure pits and lagoons. It improves the composting capability of the manure by increasing the nutrients available to crops with reduced nitrates leaching into groundwater.

Physical Data:
• Boiling Point: None Established
• Melting Point: N/A
• Specific Gravity: 1.282 at 68oF
• Vapor Pressure at 20: N/A
• Volatiles by Weight: N/A
• Ionic Nature: Cationic anionic
• Appearance/Odor: Dark brown color with a slight odor
• Weight: 10.53 lbs. per gallon

Environmental Control Systems & Products, 1207 Washington Ave., South Houston, TX 77587. Tel: 713-910-3773; Fax: .