April Showers Can Pollute Water Resources
Five Ways To Keep Stormwater From Polluting The Environment
Alexandria, VA — When those April showers get going, whatever doesn't soak into the ground runs off roofs and yards, down streets, into storm drains, and then directly into rivers, lakes, creeks, and other local water bodies. If that runoff is polluted, it's most likely because of little things people commonly do (or not) every day that add up to big water pollution in their communities — and ultimately around the world. In the spirit of Earth Day, the Water Environment Federation suggests five things everyone can do to help keep stormwater from polluting our water resources all year long.
- Don't dump anything down storm drains, including leaves, trash, and grass clippings. Storm drains are for rain only!
- Pick up after your pet. Don't let harmful bacteria contaminate local water.
- Reduce fertilizer use. Use natural fertilizers according to directions.
- Recycle Motor Oil. Also, fix cars and lawn equipment that leak oil.
- Recycle Household Waste. Follow directions on household products for proper use, disposal, or recycling.
Remember, if you don't want it in the water, keep it out of the storm drain!
About WEF
Formed in 1928, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization with 36,000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations representing water quality professionals around the world. WEF and its Member Associations proudly work to achieve our mission of preserving and enhancing the global water environment. www.wef.org
SOURCE: Water Environment Federation (WEF) - WEFTEC