Block Mat System
Source: International Erosion Control Systems, LLC
Cable Concrete is a precast articulating concrete block mat
International Erosion Control Systems, LLCete is a precast articulating concrete block mat system. It consists of pyramidal shaped concrete blocks interwoven with stainless steel cable, underlaid with a durable geotextile fabric. These characteristics allow for flexibility and ease of installation. Add cable running both lengthwise and widthwise, offering loops on all sides for clamping to adjacent maps, and a durable erosion control system is created that can protect any size or shape area. This product is a cost-effective solution that allows water permeability, vegetation, contour flexibility, subsoil confinement and long term control of erosion.
<%=company%>, PO Box 119, 30630 Forest Blvd., Stacy, MN 55079. Tel: 651-462-4466; Fax: 651-462-6990.
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