
Calcium Chloride Handbook

The company offers a comprehensive guide on calcium chloride which discusses its significant properties in both its pure form and in the specific commercial forms available from the company.
The company offers a comprehensive guide on calcium chloride which discusses its significant properties in both its pure form and in the specific commercial forms available from the company.

The handbook gives instructions on dissolving solid forms of calcium chloride, and on diluting and concentrating liquid forms. The manual also discusses equipment for shipping and storing both liquid and solid forms, recommended materials of construction, and proper methods of handling and storing calcium chloride. In addition, important precautions to be observed in the interest of safety and environmental protection are explained.

Calcium Chloride is one of the most versatile of basic chemicals. It has been produced commercially for well over 100 years. The properties and characteristics of calcium chloride make it useful in a large number of applications, from snow and ice melting to food and pharmaceutical processing.

The Dow Chemical Company, Cal/Mag Products, P.O. Box 1206, Midland, MI 48641=1205. Tel: 800-447-4369.