Ground Fill Material
Used in ground fill applications, TerraLite EPS geofoam is a lightweight fill material that can reduce stress on underlying soils
N/Aund fill applications, TerraLite EPS geofoam is a lightweight fill material that can reduce stress on underlying soils. This cellular plastic material is strong, and is engineered to have a low density, with standard densities ranging from 12 kg/m3 to 32 kg/m3. The typical compressive strength of the product range from 35 kPa (5 psi) to 173 kPa (25 psi). It can be manufactures to meet the product specification standards of ASTM C 578, CAN CGSB 51.20, UL 723 (ASTM E 84), and ULC S102.2.
Designed to be unaffected by normal weather conditions during installation, it will retain its physical properties under pre-engineered conditions of use. The system is said to eliminate the need for surcharging and wick drains, and to be environmentally gentle. Projects involving roads, bridge approach fills, embankments, levees, berms, foundations, and landscaping can make use of this product.
<%=company%>, 326 McGhee Road, Winchester, VA 22603; phone: 703-759-0300; fax: 703-757-0119
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