MAPdirector -Mapping/ GIS Software
MAPdirector is a powerful map-viewing tool designed to work independently or dynamically with all CarteGraph software modules. When used in conjunction with a CarteGraph software database, the link with these databases is "live". For example, if MAPdirector and SIGNview are both running and changes are made to your sign assets in SIGNview, you will see those changes immediately in MAPdirector. Use MAPdirector to assign locations of your assets, eliminating the need to manually enter coordinates in the database program. If you have any SQL- or ODBC-style databases that contain location information, MAPdirector also displays this information.
CarteGraph Systems, Inc., 3600 Digital Drive, Dubuque, IA 52003. Tel: 319-556-8120; Fax: 319-556-8149.