
Royston Rosphalt 50

Source: Royston Laboratories Division
Royston Rosphalt 50 is an asphalt paving mix modified with virgin polymeric additives, which vitalize the mixture and give it performance properties far beyond the capabilities of ordinary asphalt materials
Royston Rosphalt 50 is an asphalt paving mix modified with virgin polymeric additives, which vitalize the mixture and give it performance properties far beyond the capabilities of ordinary asphalt materials. Royston scientists combined their expertise in high technology polymer chemistry and extensive experience in bridge corrosion protection to develop a formulation, which is now recognized as a major breakthrough in solving problems in bridge deck construction and maintenance. Rosphalt 50 compacts to a tough, dense, flexible waterproof mass with amazing physical properties. Asphalt mixes modified with Rosphalt 50 provide the following benefits:

  • Waterproofs concrete bridge decks to prevent penetration of deicing salts
  • Eliminates costly preparation on irregular deck surfaces
  • Withstands heavy traffic as a thin, high-performance wearing course
  • Does not crack or embrittle at sub-zero temperatures, (as low as -35° F)
  • Does not soften or flow under the hot summer or desert sun, (up to +250° F)
  • Inhibits reflective cracking in overlays.
  • Is mixed according to standard asphalt plant practice.
  • Is applied by conventional paving equipment and procedures.
  • Shortens down time and can be applied under traffic.
  • Has an established record of long trouble-free service.
  • Passes critical tests by highway and bridge authorities.
  • Saves time and money at installation and more over the long term.


Recently, Rosphalt 50 saved the State of Wisconsin thousands of hours in repair time hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs. The Wisconsin Department Transportation (DOT) used Rosphalt 50 for waterproofing the entire deck of I-94 and I-43's heavily traveled 8-lane, mile-long High Rise Bridge in downtown Milwaukee. The work was completed in just 48 hours as opposed to a more customary 9-week repair schedule with other asphalt products. Thanks to the success of this compound, DOT's throughout the country will be able to dramatically reduce costs and repair time on public roadways.

"The Wisconsin DOT decided to use Rosphalt 50 because it was the only product to allow this project to be completed in such a short time," said Butch Bennish, Vice President at Payne and Dolan, the company contracted by Wisconsin's Department of Transportation to do the work. "The technical support provided by Royston with planning, plant production, and lay down operations greatly contributed to the success of the project's success."

By using Rosphalt 50, Milwaukee was able to waterproof, level, stabilize and apply a wearing course to the bridge all in one step, within 48 hours, while heavy traffic was able to proceed over the bridge, setting a new industry standard for quality road repair and construction. Over 6,000 tons of asphalt were applied to the bridge using standard paving equipment, creating a waterproof surface, which will long outlast conventional asphalt mixes.

Royston Laboratories Division, 128 First Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15238. Tel: 412-828-1500; Fax: 412-828-4826.