Solutions For Process Improvement And Waste Minimization
Source: Waterlink/Hycor
Hycor Corporation offers an 8-page, full color brochure describing its entire line of products...
Waterlink/Hycorons For Process Improvement And Waste Minimization
Hycor Corporation offers an 8-page, full color brochure describing its entire line of products for liquid/solid separation in process or in wastewater treatment. This equipment includes fine and coarse screens, dewatering equipment, grit classifiers and sludge thickeners.
The addition of the right liquid/solid separation equipment at the right place in process or wastewater treatment can make a major difference in operating efficiency, costs and profitability. For example, liquid /solid separation equipment can:
- Improve the efficiency of a process.
- Recover a product.
- Reduce water usage.
- Reduce maintenance and downtime.
- Recover secondary products.
- Increase the value of secondary products.
- Reduce the cost of wastewater treatment.
- Improve efficiency of waste treatment.
- Reduce hauling and landfill costs.
<%=company%> 29850 N. Skokie Highway, Lake Bluff, IL, 60044-1129. Tel: 847-473-3700; Fax: 847-473-0477.
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