
TURFACE MVP Sports Field Conditioner

Source: Profile Products LLC
TURFACE MVP fights infield compaction that leads to running, sliding and bad ball hop injuries
After a rain, TURFACE Quick Dry makes muddy, slippery conditions a thing of the past. Quick Dry will not cake, become slippery, or turn your field rock-hard, and works over and over.

There are significant differences between TURFACE Sports Field Conditioners and crushed aggregates that are products of non sports field related industries including the concrete and brick industries. Typically, these crushed aggregates are used as a red infield colorant or as a substitute for a soil conditioner to prevent rain outs. Unfortunately they do not have the same absorption, drainage and stability characteristics as TURFACE. These materials may be inexpensive but they should be amended with TURFACE MVP or Pro League to help them from becoming compacted and to improve their moisture absorption.

TURFACE MVP, Pro League and Quick Dry are calcined clay products manufactured specifically to condition sports fields to improve drainage, reduce compaction and absorb excess water However, tremendous variation exists between TURFACE and other calcined clay products. Many materials are called calcined clay, and many claim to be "just like" TURFACE. However, degradation of calcined clays range from 3.5% over 20 years with TURFACE to calcined clays that degrade or melt back down to clay in a few days. TURFACE is the #I Choice of Groundskeepers because of its unique raw clay mineral and the manufacturing process, which produces a very stable, uniform particle with consistent color and little dust. TURFACE has been supplying products to the sports field industry for over 30 years.

Profile Products LLC, 750 W Lake Cook Rd Ste 440, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089. Tel: 847-215-3440; Fax: 847-215-3421.