
Vehicle Management Services

Source: First Vehicle Services
First Vehicle Services manages and maintains more than 30,000 vehicles for local governments, school districts, airports, utilities, and telecommunications companies across the United States
First Vehicle Services Vehicle Services manages and maintains more than 30,000 vehicles for local governments, school districts, airports, utilities, and telecommunications companies across the United States.

First Vehicle Services provides preventive maintenance, comprehensive repair, and asset management services for all types of vehicles and equipment - from fire, rescue and police vehicles to landfill, utility, grounds-keeping and other public works equipment, even administrative sedans.

Experts from First Vehicle Services can draw upon over 20 years of experience to enhance vehicle reliability, improve overall service response and cost efficiency, as well as accurately track and forecast expenses and monitor fleet performance in real-time.

First Vehicle Services' computerized tracking systems provide the data to make informed decisions about vehicle replacement programs, inventory levels, budget plans, staffing and other aspects of managing a fleet.

<%=company%>, One Centennial Plaza, Suite 500, Cincinnati, OH 45202, Phone: 513-684-8747, FAX: 513-381-0149